Autonomy Skateboards Progeny Deck - Amelia
The Progeny Project pays tribute to those who rose up against all odds to do things their way. Not only was Amelia Earhart the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, she was also a member of the National Woman's Party and an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. She received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for flying across the Atlantic and set many other records. She wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots. In 1935, Earhart became a visiting faculty member at Purdue University as an advisor to aeronautical engineering and a career counselor to women students. Amelia Earhart was reported as disappeared on July 2, 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world.
/Au·ton·o·my/ a self-governing community for independence or freedom. Something autonomous makes its own laws.
Skateboarding is freedom. Built by skateboarders. Limited quantities available, specify size when ordering.
*Made in USA - Grown and Built 7 Ply American Hard Rock Maple
*Jessup OG Griptape included. *Made in USA