Autonomy Skateboards Shin'enkan Collection Deck - Crow (Limited Edition)
The Shin'enkan Collection is not intended to be seen as just a collection - it hopefully should be an experience.
This beautiful art is just one section of a pair six folding screens originally painted in 1774 during the Edo Period (1603-1868) of Japan. Only 50 of these skates were made.
*Artist: Katsu Jagyoku (1735–1780)
"Rabbits and Pines in Snow; Crows and Plum Tree in Snow"
Jagyoku painted these screens at forty years of age, and playfully symbolized the sun and moon within his work. Traditionally, rabbits symbolize the moon whereas crows represent the sun. Other than the carefully hand-placed drops representing snow, there is no white paint on this work. It is the color of the paper that gives the illusions of snow and form to the blackbirds, rabbits, and trees.
Autonomy Skateboards is proud to partner with the Price Collection to bring light to this incredible collection from the artisan years of Japanese history during the Edo period.
/Au·ton·o·my/ a self-governing community for independence or freedom. Something autonomous makes its own laws.
Skateboarding is freedom. Built by skateboarders. Limited quantities available, specify size when ordering.
*Built 7 Ply Canadian Hard Rock Maple